Vivid’s owners began in the publishing industry- we developed ideas graphically and produced production pieces for ourselves and other companies. We were continually asked to do more- we, like many, turned those inquiries down as it wasn’t our ‘niche’. Yet- we like most, continually ran into the “I’m sorry we don’t offer that” or “We can only do it on our house products”, and we were constantly left feeling-“well who does?” or “how can I do anything different?”…and then it hit us. We, like so many
in the print and product fulfillment industry, were stuck doing THE SAME THING!
We had to go to 10 people for one project, there was no easy way to get
anything consistent, new, or different!!
We created the ONE STOP SHOP, anything you can think of, or we can think of for
that matter. If there is a way to create it, we will make it happen! We like the word ‘yes’ – and we aim to answer that way every time! Our goal is to create those ‘out of the box’ concepts, easily and affordably! We brainstorm, we build, we develop, we create consistency and we fill in your gaps- and all very easily… FOR YOU! From the basics, like business cards to flyers, all the way up to your uniforms, promotional, apparel and product development- and even throw in an online retail store or corporate store for us to create and perform fulfillment- we can make it happen.